The Near North District School Board has released the results of the Education Quality and Accountability Office testing conducted during the last school year.

The board says results vary from school to school but the trends show 67 % of grade 3 students and 78 % of grade 6 students continue to meet the provincial reading standard and that’s slightly better than the previous year.

On the writing side, 56 % of grade 3 students and 72 % of grade 6 students meet the expected level and that’s 3 % lower for grade 3’s and the grade 6’s are about the same than the previous year.

Board results in the grade 10 literacy test were down 7 % while the province’s results slipped by 2 %.

In math, 41 % of grade 3’s met the standard compared to 47 % the previous year.

That’s a 6 % drop.

For the grade 6’s, 30 % met the standard in the last school year and that’s 4 % lower than the previous year.

For the grade 9’s, the percentage of students who met the standard in 2017-18 is 10 % lower than the previous year in applied math.

It’s about the same at 75 % in academic math.

The testing was conducted during the last school year.

Filed under: eqao, near-north-district-school-board