Incumbent Mayoral candidate Al McDonald is proposing several changes to the way Council works — including taking the necessary steps to move the city to a ward system.

“I envision five wards with two councillors per ward,” he says in a release. “Citizens should know the councillors they elect, they should be able to call specific councillors with their concerns, and they should be able to vote for candidates based on the candidates knowledge of, relationship to, and commitment for constituents in a set geographic area.”

McDonald is also proposing changes to the procedural bylaw, allowing council to openly debate and request information and clarification from senior staff at council meetings to reduce delays.

“If members of council are prepared for meetings, and have done their homework, then the changes I propose will mean we can get to a vote sooner,” he says.

McDonald also wants to open up public presentations and allow councillors to make ‘members statements’.

“I think councillors should be given the opportunity to make member statements at the beginning of each council meeting, good news announcements, congratulatory comments, and other noteworthy matters can be brought forward by members of council during the member statement portion of the meeting,” he says.

Filed under: incumbent-al-mcdonald, mayoral-race, north-bay-votes-2018