hydro pole

It’s no secret that electricity prices are a key issue for the bottom line of businesses in the north.

Several have said that they’ve cut staff, or closed or relocated to other provinces as a result of the high prices.

Glenn Thibault is the relatively new energy minister.

In North Bay for an infrastructure announcement yesterday, the Sudbury MPP said he recognizes electricity prices are a key issue in the north and province-wide.

Thibault says he’s working on it and is looking to address some of the issues.

But, he also says electricity prices are like a Rubik’s Cube, in that if the government does something for small business customers rates go up for other customers like residential or industrial customers, and vice versa.

Thibault says he’s looking at every government program and trying to ensure that people with a price issue know about them.

He goes on to say if there are programs that aren’t working for some he needs to hear about it and try to do something about it.