north-bay-district-labour-councilThe North Bay and District Labour Council is encouraging those working in the retail sector to take a survey this International Women’s Day.

President Henri Giroux says, “The problem of gender pay equity has gone on way too long,”

He goes on to say, “If you look around North Bay and other communities, it’s easy to see that more women work minimum-waged, precarious jobs, like the retail and service sectors.”

The Labour Council says a leading research in retail employment is undertaking the Gender, Work, and Pay in Ontario’s Retail Sector survey.

A link can be found HERE.

Meantime, next month a “Side-Walk Solidarity Stand” is taking place on Lakeshore Drive as a part of a province-wide demonstration in the “Fight for $15 and Fairness” campaign.

Officials say the movement is sweeping across Ontario, and International Women’s Day is a good time to highlight the campaign for pay equity and labour law reform.

“$15 an hour is definitely what’s needed to help fight poverty, but it’s more, much more than that,” states Giroux. “Working conditions, health and safety, scheduling, sick time, pay equity, anti-scab laws-all these things need to improve-and then quality of life will get better.”