Ontario’s new Finance Minister is getting ready to deliver his first Fall Economic Statement later this week.

Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli will update the province’s books on Thursday.

Pointing to the previous government, he says don’t expect a phony picture.

“When you have an Auditor General call the province’s books in the pre-election report ‘bogus’, that’s a pretty serious accusation of the state of Ontario’s presentation of their numbers,” he says. “We will present a true and accurate presentations of the numbers.”

Fedeli was asked if there will be cuts.

“What you’ll see in this Fall Economic Statement is a reminder that the Premier says ‘efficiencies not cuts’, that’s what the Premier has continued to say and I expect you’ll see more of that,” he says.

Two weeks ago when Fedeli announced the date of the upcoming economic statement, he told the Legislature they’re turning the page on 15 years of tax and spend Liberal policies.

He also said the days of attempting to balance budgets through one-time revenue are over.

Filed under: nipissing-mpp-vic-fedeli