saint t

Many officials were in attendance for the grand opening of the St Thomas-d’Aquin elementary school in East Ferris Thursday.

They unveiled a new plaque, had a ribbon cutting and everyone also had a chance to see the new facility.
Tammy Cantin is the Principal at Saint Thomas-d’Aquin and she reminisced about how special the day was, not only for her but for everyone.

“We have been preparing and working very hard for the past few months to get the school ready for this special day,” said Principal Cantin after the ceremony.  “It’s definitely a important day in the history of the community and it’s allowing us to create great partnerships, also in the community.”

There are currently 223 students who are attending St Thomas-d’Aquin and the school can have up to 270 students.

In January 2013, the province provided $6.6-million in funding for the new school and a child care facility.