Change is coming to Downtown North Bay.

After 14 years with the board of management, Executive Director Jeff Serran is leaving for a new venture.

He says he’s looking forward to working with a new local business, but isn’t saying who just yet.

Serran, who has worked with four different boards downtown is wishing the incoming board all the best as they create their vision for the downtown, pointing out he knows with support they will succeed.

“I just want people to remember you need to support it, and rediscover what Downtown is, because it’s vital for every city to have a strong downtown,” he says.

As for highlights over the last 14 years, Serran says one has been growth of the downtown.

“From 2004, even to the end of 2017 we have had a positive net growth of businesses in the downtown core, a lot of people look at the vacant buildings and that happens, that’s part of the life cycle,” he says.

Another highlight includes beautification efforts downtown, while Serran also says he had the pleasure of serving four different boards during his tenure.

2018 has brought about a lot of change for Serran, who lost his bid for re-election to council in October.

But, he says that won’t stop him from being involved.

“I’m proud of my community involvement, I’m proud of the work and I’m not done being involved with my community, I will continue to serve my community, it’s the way I was raised with my family,” Serran says.

File photo by Jeff Turl/