Jean-Pierre Kingsley North Bay residents got to hear from someone who has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to Canadian Elections, Money and Politics.

Jean-Pierre Kingsley was in North Bay yesterday (Tuesday) and spoke about those issues at a dinner event, held by the North Bay and District Canadian Club.

Kingsley was the Chief Electoral Officer of Elections Canada from 1990 until 2007.

He says he has traveled abroad to many countries and says the one thing he realizes is Canada does it best when it comes to our elections process.

He says “right from the start we developed a deep attachment to the fundamental values of equality of chances. Nobody is above anybody else. You can be a judge, a top lawyer, a top doctor; when it comes to democracy we are all equal.”

Kingsley says that is deeply ingrained in the fundamental values of Canadians and should never change.

Kingsley says it’s up to us to keep the system the way it is and protect it from anyone trying to change it. He says that was the purpose of his talk.

Kingsley says he feels he has an obligation, but also a pleasure in sharing and discussing this with fellow Canadians.

Photo taken from Jean-Pierre Kinglsey Linked-In profile.