Average snow depth in the area hasn’t changed much in two weeks, but it’s still above average and more than double last year’s amount.

The North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority says the average snow depth at their three survey locations is 85 cm.

They point out that water content in the snow has increased.

By the numbers:
Average Depth for all sites: 84.8 cm (167% of normal)
Average snow water equivalence for all sites: 200.3 mm (177% of normal)
Change in average snow depth since Feb 14/2019: 0.2 cm
Change in average water equivalence since Feb 14/2019: 52 mm
Average Depth for all sites March 1 2018: 36.2 cm
Average water equivalence for all sites March 1 2018: 94.3 mm

Filed under: north-bay-mattawa-conservation-authority