Vic QP sept 2015

Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says the province’s Financial Accountability Officer is confirming what the Ontario PC Caucus has been saying for nearly two years that the Liberal Government has a multi-billion dollar hole in their budget forecast.

The provincial Liberals have said they would eliminate the deficit by 2017-18 but financial accountability officer Stephen LeClair has determined there will still be a 3.5-billion shortfall.

Fedeli, who is the Conservative Finance Critic wonders where the money will come from. At Queen’s Park on Wednesday, he asked the Finance Minister if he’s raising taxes or can they expect more cuts to health care.

The Minister pointed to the report in his response saying it appears the province is on track to beat it’s deficit targets.

The New Democrats say the government would have to slash programs and services to eliminate the 10.3-billion-dollar deficit on schedule.