Officials are celebrating the success of the recent McHappy Day campaign at McDonald’s restaurants in North Bay and Sturgeon Falls.

Local restaurant owner/operators Brad and Joanne Haines presented a cheque for $6,549 to the North Bay Regional Health Centre Foundation this morning (Thursday).

Five years ago they pledged $25,000 to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit, helping to establish a healing environment for youth recovering from mental illness.

That pledge has already been surpassed and with today’s contribution has reached $36,363.

“We are pleased to be able to continue to support a program that provides care for the youth in our community,” said Brad Haines. “McHappy Day is about bringing the community into our restaurants to see first hand how we work together with youth. We had fantastic community support again this year! Together, we are ensuring children in our community have access to the care they need, close to home.”

“McDonald’s donation to the CAMHU Wrap-Around Fund supports the transition of patients from hospital to home.  It can be the most difficult time in a child’s recovery as routines and plans developed during their admission are disrupted, which can sometimes result in a child regressing in their treatment plan. This donation will help patients feel empowered and give them a sense of independence.” said Erin Kennedy, Manager, CAMHU.

“We are grateful to be included in the McHappy Day initiative.  Thank you to the Haines family, the staff at McDonald’s and all of the volunteers from McHappy Day. The community support has grown each year, and I congratulate them on their ongoing success and their commitment to our community and our youth,” said Tammy Morison, President and CEO, NBRHC Foundation.

One dollar from every Big Mac® sandwich, Happy Meal® and Hot McCafé® beverage sold on McHappy Day locally goes to Ronald McDonald House in Toronto and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit at the North Bay Regional Health Centre.

Filed under: mcdonalds-north-bay-and-sturgeon-falls