The city is putting more money into recreational facilities in North Bay.

A contract for nearly $100,000 has been awarded to a company for a new skate park half pipe at Thompson Park.

Chair of Infrastructure and Operations Chris Mayne says it will replace some of the pieces in the existing portable skate park that are becoming defective because of age and wear.

“For the skateboard community there have been a lot of concerns with the state of repair with the equipment we had before was getting close to not being safe, the new construction is long overdue, glad to see if moving forward,” he says.

Mayne says there will always be people who will skateboard where it’s most convenient, but is hopeful the facility will be used and appreciated.

“I think the goal for the city is to provide a safe location, proper facilities, away from traffic in a place where they can have some privacy but still be visible,” he says.

Skater owned and operated ‘Canadian Ramp Company’ was awarded the contract.

(File photo above by station staff)

Filed under: canadian-ramp-company, north-bay-city-council, skate-park-half-pipe