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Canadore College is launching a five year Indigenous education and services strategy.

After 30 years of providing Indigenous education, the college says this is all about prioritizing their efforts.

Vice President of Enrolment Management, Indigenous and Student Services, Shawn Chorney says they’re following up on commitments made when they signed the National Indigenous Education protocol back in February 2015.
“The protocols set out seven strategic directions that post-secondary institutions in Canada can aspire to. We wanted to create a plan that allows us to walk the walk and put the commitment into action,” said Chorney.

The plan focuses on the continued growth and development of Canadore’s First People’s Centre.

Strategic priorities there include making indigenous education a priority, building relationships, increasing the number of indigenous employees and more.

Chorney also says it’s mutually beneficial for the college and First Peoples too, “participating in Indigenous education is not only strategic for the college from a stability standpoint, but it’s the right thing to do on so many levels, because there is a whole group of Canadians who need it.”

Canadore College is home to Ontario’s only accredited Indigenous addictions and Aboriginal fixed wing flight programs and recently launched a unique Early Childhood Education – Anishinaabemowin program.

The College delivers 28 apprenticeship and post-secondary programs on reserves and First Nations communities and boasts a 80.5 per cent Indigenous student retention rate.