
A couple of advisories from the City of North Bay.

First, you may experience delays along the Lakeshore Drive overpass tonight (Monday).

The city says the bridge deck is being lowered back to its normal elevation between 9 pm and midnight.

The delays will be for 10 minutes per occurrence and both pedestrians and motorists will be impacted.

Officials say residents may want to use an alternate route to avoid the delay.


The city will be replacing the guardrail at municipal parking lot 11, across from City Hall, this week.

As a result, the parking spots along the guardrail dividing the TD Canada Trust Lot and lot 11 will be cordoned off today and tomorrow.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the paid parking spots on McIntyre in lot 11 will be cordoned off as well.

The city says there will be alternate paid parking for affected customers in a few other municipal lots.

The work is scheduled to be finished by Thursday.