The North Bay Police Service is getting some help from a Nipissing University student.

Chief Scott Tod says the student is going over police data as part of a thesis and is giving police options as officers go about their duties on issues like response time.

“It’s data in our response to serving the community. But also the internal data that we collect in the movement of officers throughout the community. We’re getting suggestions on another way to look at data,” he says.

Tod says the complete report shouldn’t be done until the summer but they are getting updates and recommendations as the data comes in.

He says they can examine what is the best route for officers to get to a crime scene and also how do they best prevent other crimes that are occurring when they are responding to the initial offense.

Tod says they’re looking at how officers are travelling in the community when they’re not responding to a call and some of the potential opportunities they have to prevent crime.

(Photo by station staff)

Filed under: north-bay-police-service