carpThe North Bay and District Canadian Association of Retired Persons is hosting a conference today called “Live to 100?”

It takes place at the Clarion Resort Pinewood Park from 8:30am – 3:30pm.

The event will feature an active living demonstration, live music, Q and A from industry experts and more.

Industry Experts will discuss the following:

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Deborah Harrold  “Dying with Dignity”
Richard Joly, CEO, North East Community Care Access Centre  “End of Life Care for You and Your Loved Ones”
Gordon Prisco, Partner, of Valin Partners Law LLP.  “Problems with today’s Estates & Power of Attorneys”
Anne Bentley, Certified Yoga Instructor  “Health & Wellness Demonstration”
Angela Nussey, Singer/Songwriter  “Singer/Songwriter Demonstration”
Annett Lebeau, Estate Planning Specialist, RBC Wealth Management  “Are You Ready for the Cost of Living to 100”
MasterCard Representative  “Fraud & Debt by Credit Cards”