There’s a move to bring Project Lifesaver to North Bay.

The program combines radio technology with a co-ordinated police response to locate wandering and disoriented loved ones with Alzheimer’s, autism or other conditions. BAYSAR’s Stan

French tells BayToday families would call 9-1-1 and let them know their loved one has a transmitter on them, with the frequency available to dispatchers.

“They would give this to the emergency responders who would go out with the tracking equipment. At that point police have that option that they can call BAYSAR to help with the triangulation,” he says.

French says the program is already set up in Sudbury.

He says police there are the lead agency while North Shore Search and Rescue also has equipment and can assist with searches.

“It’s a model that is already in existence, it’s been proven to work and it’s time to bring it to North Bay,” French says.

He says if they get a commitment from the police board they can finalize the proposal and decide on what purchases are needed, followed by training then implementation.

French says BAYSAR was approached by The Alzheimer’s Society to get involved.


Photo by Chris Dawson/


Filed under: baysar, north-bay-police-services-board