Disability event 1 Service provider booths, special presentations and an interactive bus tour; those were part of the Accessibility open house event at City Hall today (Tuesday).

It was put on by the Disability Employment Opportunity Centre and Sharon Moseley-Williams says it was celebrating 10 years of the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

Moseley-Williams is the Employment Support Supervisor and she says while they have made strides over the years there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of employment for those who have a disability.

She says it’s ensuring that individuals with various disabilities are not losing out on opportunities for employment because they may not, without accommodations, be able to present themselves as well in an interview.

She says that’s not just considering accessibility into an office, Moseley-Williams says that could also mean how someone deals with anxiety or depression especially if they are looking for work or going into an interview. She says the province has a target date of 2025 to be fully accessible.