Run For The Cure(File Photo) Expect to see a sea of pink at the North Bay waterfront on Sunday morning.

That’s when the CIBC Run For The Cure is taking place.

The fundraising goal is $140,000 in support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

Officials say they will reach the $1-million fundraising mark in the history of the local event this year.

Lynne Allard is a cancer survivor and member of the Warriors of Hope.

She the event is important because it’s gathering funds for research and support for survivors.

She also says it can be a tearful event, especially when seeing the number of survivors taking part.

Allard points out survivors are given t-shirts and people will get a real sense of who is a survivor.

An estimated 25,000 Canadian women and 220 men who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.

Money raised helps fund research focused on the prevention of breast cancer. This includes improving detection, enhancing treatment, and providing community support.