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Next month is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the Canadian Cancer Society is trying to make more people aware of the impact of breast cancer with several events.

On Tuesday, several notable leaders including the mayor, the police chief and the fire chief had their finger nails painted.

Susan Plomondon is the society’s fundraising specialist.

She says one in nine women gets breast cancer and they want to improve on that number by raising awareness but also by recommending steps people can take to improve their chances of not getting the cancer.

Those steps include getting screened if you are 50 or older, know your body and plenty of good health and exercise.

North Bay Fire Chief Grant Love (pictured above) says unfortunately everyone knows someone who has dealt with breast cancer and in his case it’s mother in law and her sister.

North Bay Police Chief Paul Cook (pictured below), Mayor Al McDonald and Deputy Police Chief Shawn Devine had their finger nails painted as well.

Cook says his mother died from breast cancer and his mother in law has beaten breast cancer so it is an important cause for him.

Other events include a Pink Ribbon campaign launch on Saturday, a Pink in the Rink OHL game on October 15th and Oktoberfeast on the 20th at Cecil’s Brewhouse and Kitchen.

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