The province won’t be getting another letter from North Bay thanking it for supporting the city, in terms for funding.

Councillor Mac Bain‘s motion to thank the province and the federal government for Community Infrastructure improvements was rejected by a 5-4 vote at Monday’s Council meeting.

Previously, council supported a Bain motion to thank the province for supporting Ontario Northland.

One of those five who voted no to the motion last night, Councillor Daryl Vaillancourt was asked if this could have an impact on the city getting funding in the future.

He says he doesn’t think one way or the other that these letters make much of a difference.

Vaillancourt also says he had several phone calls against councils decision after the last letter motion. He says people are angry at the province.

Bain, meantime, says it doesn’t hurt to say thanks when governments have stepped up for North Bay.

He says North Bay recently received over $5-Million and he finds it surprising that North Bay doesn’t send a letter just to say thanks.