A free presentation on concussions is coming up later this month at Nipissing University.

Sport North Bay, along with Nipissing’s Schulich School of Education, are hosting the October 24th event.

Several guest speakers are lined up:

Dr. Jim McAuliffe – Nipissing University Dean of Graduate Studies & Research
John D’Agostino – Lawyer at D’Agostino & Associates
Dr. Terry Rotondo – Physician in North Bay
John Davis – Physiotherapist at Symetrics
Mackenzie Daley – Nipissing University Athletic Therapist
Rachel Haine – Nipissing University Varsity Athlete
Neil Gervais – Parent of Concussed Athlete

The free presentation called Concussions: Piecing Together A Safe Return To Sport will be held in the Nipissing Theatre.