voteThere’s always changes come election time and this year is no different.

First, Returning Officer Jim Mallory says there are 4 advance polls this time around: October 9-12 and that’s one more than last time when there were 3.

Mallory says you can actually vote now, on any day until October 13th by contacting the returning office.

He says officials can also tell you if you’re on the list or what you should do to get on the list.

In fact, he says you can vote anywhere in the country as you don’t have to be in your riding to vote.

Mallory says the ballot you cast would be sent to Ottawa and counted in your home riding.

As well, all the voter cards in the country are being mailed out of Gatineau, Quebec.

He says voters should have them already or will in a few days.

Mallory says there’s some re-distribution in the riding too as voters in Jocko Point and Nipissing First Nation are now part of Nipissing-Timiskaming and not Nickel Belt.  Voters in part of the New Liskeard area are now in Timmins-James Bay and not this riding.

Election Day is October 19th.