military-couple-looking-at-a-laptop Men and Women who have spouses in the Canadian Armed Forces can have a hard time finding work.

Tessa Clermont is the Executive Director of the North Bay Military Family Resource Centre and she says there is a stigma surrounding this group for a couple of reasons.

She says they usually have a lot of jobs on the resume over a short period of time, and the perception is they will have to move within two years.

Clermont says they are trying to change people’s point of view on this group of eligible employees. She says the majority of spouses are usually in one place from three to five years and in North Bay their spouses have the opportunity to jump between multiple squadrons and stay here even longer.

Clermont adds some people get posting message six months in advance, so they can notify local businesses about any prospective employees who may be coming to the city.

Clermont says interested businesses can contact the local Military Family Resource Centre to inquire about people looking for jobs. She says if there are vacancies that need to be filled they have a talented list waiting for the phone to ring.