(File photo of Queen's Park: by Charlene Close 680News)

(File photo) The next legislative session at Queens Park begins today (Monday).

Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says the highlight for his party will be leader Patrick Brown taking his seat as leader as he was recently elected as an MPP.

Fedeli was appointed to Brown’s shadow cabinet last week and he is once again the finance critic.

He says he will be holding the government’s feet to the fire because he says they don’t learn the real truth from the government, but from the provincial auditor so he has to ask tough questions to the Premier and Minister of Finance.

Fedeli also says the finances of Ontario Northland will come up.

He says the auditor will resolve the cost of the sale of ONTERA by issuing a figure and he says the number will shock people.

Fedeli says the government has a habit of bringing in regulations that aren’t debated at Queens Park.

He cites the sex ed curriculum changes and the new death tax as examples.