teal-ribbon1This year’s walk is at Lee Park in North Bay.

Claude Devost is the local president of the Kidney Foundation and he says the walk begins at 10 this morning with registration starting at 9. He says they hope to raise 8 Thousand dollars from today’s walk and the provincial goal is 850 Thousand.

Devost says the walk is a great chance for patients, caregivers and families to get together for a common cause fighting kidney disease.

Devost says there is no cure for kidney disease and this event is all about awareness. He points out there are 10 thousand people in the province on dialysis currently and 1100 people are waiting for a kidney transplant.

Devost says this is one of the many events they hold  to let the public know of the reality of patients like him who suffer from kidney disease.

For more information on the walk and where the money goes check out kidneywalk.ca