Shogren & Forgette 1 There are seven changes and recommendations coming from the Long Term Financial Special Review Committee.

Chair Derek Shogren says they are pretty substantial and if adopted, these changes will affect how they approach this year and future year’s budgets.

Shogren says one recommendation would be having a Councillor involved in every single major project over $2-million.

Shogren says this will give Councillors an opportunity to see a project the whole way through if they are interested in it. As well, he says this adds extra accountability for major projects.

He says a major proposal is tying the infrastructure spending to the city’s growth and another is having council see more consistent updates of future projects.

Shogren says in all there are seven changes to the long term financial policy. He says there are some big changes which, if approved by Council, will bring on a new way of looking at the budget process beyond just this year.