John Howard SocietyThe local United Way has announced a 1 Thousand Dollar grant for the John Howard Society of Sudbury.  The money will enable officials to pay for transportation costs to North Bay so that they can visit about to be released prisoners at the North Bay District Jail on a regular basis.  The program director of the John Howard Society in Sudbury is Sara Berghammer

She says the money will enable her to talk to prisoners at the North Bay District Jail on a regular basis about what happens after a prisoners term is over.

Jeffrey Langer of on the board of directors of the society,

He is a former parole officer and he sees the benefits of the society.

Langer says when leaving prison convicts need support to get back into mainstream society and the John Howard Society does a great job of providing that.

Prisoner Larry Nault has been out of jail since 2005 and he says the society has made a big difference for him.

Nault says without the support of the John Howard Society he wouldn’t have been able to change his life.