medical_doctorOntario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health is asking people to take simple measures to avoid Lyme Disease and West Nile Virus.  Doctor David Williams says when it comes to West Nile Virus you should use insect repellent containing DEET on all clothing and exposed skin, make sure your screen doors and windows can keep the mosquitos outside and eliminate mosquito breeding sites areound your home. Williams says people who catch West Nile virus will experience fever, head and body aches, and possibly encephalitis – which is the swelling of the brain.

Meantime, Williams says if not identified early Lyme Disease can cause infection leading to recurring athritis, neurological problems, numbness and paralysis.

He says reducing exposure is the best defense against lyme disease and that means weaing closed toe shoes, long-sleeved shirts and pants, pulling your socks overy your pant legs, and wearing light coloured clothing to spot ticks more easily.