North Bay Police logo North Bay Police are reminding residents to take a few steps to protect their property before leaving on vacation.

Police say remove temptation by keeping lawn and garden equipment, bikes, tools or other valuables out of sight in locked storage.

Also make sure your home’s doors have deadbolts and that windows and doors are locked before you go.

Meantime, police say make it look like there’s someone at home.

Tips include installing timers on lights, tv’s or radios, installing outdoor motion sensors, trimming shrubs to eliminate hiding places, stopping mail and newspaper delivery or having someone bring it inside. Police also say alarm systems are good deterrents too.

They say make sure your alarm monitoring station;s call list is up to date, including the name of anyone who may be taking care of your home while your away and that they know how to contact the alarm company if there’s a false alarm.

Police also say make sure the alarm is set before you leave. Police encourage neighbours to report suspicious activity. That includes people looking through windows or checking car doors to see if they’re open.