overpassOttawa is funding about a third of the cost of rehabilitating the Lakeshore overpass, a project with a total price tag of about $4.7-million.

The city’s 2016 capital plan includes the project.

MP Jay Aspin announced $1.5-million from the the Small Communities Fund, coordinated with the Province of Ontario.

The work will include the replacement of the entire deck, new asphalt, sidewalks, guard rails and light standards as well as major repairs to the substructure.

Officials say the project will extend the life of the deteriorating overpass and allow the significant traffic volume to continue, avoiding further severe congestion issues and providing an easier and safer commute for North Bay residents and visitors.

The city also has an application into the province for funding as well.

Meantime, Aspin also announced $49,000 for accessibility renovations to the entrance of the North Bay Aquatic Centre.

It was secured through the Enabling Accessibility Fund which organizations and municipalities can work through to modernize their facilities to make them more accessible to seniors or persons with disabilities.