Shut up and break somethingIt’s called “Shut Up and Break Something” and it’s a unique fundraiser for next month’s On the Edge Fringe Festival in North Bay.

Operations Director Joshua Bainbridge says the fundraiser at the Voyageur Inn’s Summit Room tonight (Friday) is an interactive art experimentation.

He says they went out and got a number of breakable items so people can fill a plate, glass or cup with paint and then toss it at a large plywood canvass.

Bainbridge says by holding the event on a Friday night, it gives people a venue to “unwind after a long week, take out a little bit of frustration, they can come and smash a few things and make something positive with it.”

There’s also live music and giveaways at the fundraiser, which starts at 7 pm.

There is a $5 entry fee at the door.