A local connection to the 2016 Premier’s Award for College Graduate winners, on a couple of fronts.

Canadore College 2001 graduate Kelly Crawford won the award for community services

Crawford of M’Chigeeng First Nation, is vice-principal and education team lead at the Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute on Manitoulin Island.

Officials say she has contributed to many curriculum projects over the years as part of her efforts to strengthen relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

In 2015, she wrote a guide to help teachers promote a greater understanding of treaties. Ms. Crawford attributes her time at Canadore College as providing her with the skills to design compelling digital content for students and teachers.

Meantime, Georgian College 2015 graduate Aylan Couchie, who’s from Nipissing First Nation, won the award for success as a recent graduate.

Couchie is a visual artist, community organizer and aspiring writer whose work focuses on Indigenous issues.

In 2015, she received the Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award from the International Sculpture Centre.

In 2013, Couchie received the distinction of grand champion at the Butter Sculpting Competition at the Royal Winter Fair, which earned her a spot on CBC’s Rick Mercer Report.

She has also exhibited her work across Ontario as well as in Halifax, New Jersey and internationally.

Each year the province honours graduates for their work to improve the social and economic well-being of those in their communities and around the world.