classifieds$15 an hour minimum wage and trying to create permanent, full-time jobs instead of part-time low paying jobs.

Those are the initiatives a local labour group wants to see happen as the province reviews the Labour Relations Act and the Employment Standards Act.

A consultation is taking place next month in Sudbury.

To get ready for that event, North Bay and District Labour Council president Henri Giroux says the Labour Council and the Nipissing University Staff Association are holding a Precarious Labour Forum tonight (Tuesday) at the North Bay Public Libary Auditorium.

Giroux says precarious labour is happening locally.

He points out he recently noticed an employee of one store was working in another store later in the day because she needed two part-time jobs because she can’t live off of one job alone.

Giroux says tonight’s session, which starts at 6:30 pm, is the second one they’ve held in North Bay.

In a release, officials say the group agreed that options for secure and good paying employment are likely decreasing, exposing the reality that part-time, low-paying employment might be a growing trend.