44 employees at St Joseph’s Motherhouse are returning to work tomorrow (Sunday).

This after SEIU members “overwhelmingly” supported a collective agreement, ending their strike, which began November 21st.

The employees include Personal Support workers, dietary, housekeeping and maintenance staff.

Key issues were wages and contract language around internal hiring.


The following is the SEIU media release, issued following the ratification vote.

SEIU Healthcare is pleased to announce that our members have overwhelmingly ratified a new collective agreement with St. Joseph’s Motherhouse.

“We are so proud of our members,” said SEIU Healthcare President Sharleen Stewart. “They took a stand for what they believed in, and in doing so, they achieved results.”

SEIU Healthcare members at St. Joseph’s Motherhouse are happy to return to the jobs they love. They are looking forward to getting back to caring for the sisters they have devoted their lives to.

“Although we didn’t achieve everything we wanted, this is a very good first step following two stagnant bargaining cycles,” said Stewart.

SEIU Healthcare members will return to work at St. Joseph’s Motherhouse on Sunday, 4 December 2016.