A fourth session in the Near North Palliative Care Networks’ education and awareness series about Seniors Helping Seniors goes on Wednesday afternoon.
It’s taking place at the Elks Lodge from 1 to 3pm on Wednesday. Previous sessions have covered coping with grief, advanced care planning and supportive resources for dying at home.
Project Lead Sarah Carlin-Ball says the series has been a success so far.
“They’ve gone really well, better than expected. We were hoping to reach 20 to 30 seniors per session and we’ve had between 50 and 60 people attending each session. About 80 per cent of those people are seniors,” she added.
Carlin-Ball says the focus this time around is Self-Care for the Caregiver, letting people know it’s important to take care of yourself when in the caregiver situation.
“It’s really important to bring in PSWs (Personal Support Workers) or volunteers so you can go out and play cards, go to yoga or get a massage. It’s important to do something for yourself,” she said.
Wednesday’s event offers various presentations, including a Yoga session too.
Seats can be reserved by:
Telephone: 705-497-9239 or email: office@nnpcn.com.
For more information, visit www.nnpcn.com.
This series is made possible with a New Horizons grant from the Government of Canada, an RTO-ERO District 43 Grant, and brought to you by Near North Palliative Care Network, your local Visiting Hospice.