North Bay OPP have charged two pedestrians involved in collisions over the last month or so.

A 19 year old man from North Bay and a 20 year old city woman were charged with disobeying a red light.

Police say the man suffered minor injuries after running into a vehicle at the intersection of Algonquin Avenue and the bypass just after 3 am on October 30th.

The woman was seriously hurt after running into a vehicle at Trout Lake Road and the bypass around 6:30 am on November 19th.


In a release, the OPP reminds pedestrians, as well as drivers, that it is their responsibility to reach their destination safely.

Ministry of Transportation offers these tips for pedestrians:

  • Cross only at marked crosswalks or traffic lights. Don’t cross in the middle of the block or between parked cars.
  • Make sure drivers see you before you cross. If the driver is stopped, make eye contact before you step onto the road.
  • Wear bright or light-coloured clothing or reflective strips, especially at dusk or when it’s dark.
  • At a traffic light:
    • Cross when traffic has come to a complete stop.
    • Begin to cross at the start of the green light or “Walk” signal, where provided.
    • Do not start to cross if you see a flashing “Do Not Walk” symbol or the light turns yellow.  If you already started to cross, complete your crossing in safety.
    • Never cross on a red light.
  • Watch for traffic turning at intersections or turning into and leaving driveways.

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