North Bay Police logoNorth Bay Police are reporting there’s been 24 motor vehicle collisions involving pedestrians between June 1st 2014 and June 1st, 2015.

And they’ve occurred all over the city.

The most, three collisions involving pedestrians, have happened at the intersection of Lakeshore and Howard with two at Front and Algonquin.

There were also collisions at various intersections on Cassells, Algonquin and Ferguson Streets along with a host of other streets. 

Meantime, a 76 year old woman suffered non-life threatening injuries after being struck by a vehicle Thursday around 11:30 am.

Police say the woman was jaywalking at Cassells and Fifth when she was struck by a vehicle heading northbound on Cassells after exiting a coffee shop drive-thru.

The investigation continues.


North Bay Police remind pedestrians and motorists of the following safety tips, as presented by Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation, whose website provides many road safety resources for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, parents and guardians.

Safety tips for drivers

  • ·         Always look for pedestrians, especially when turning.
  • ·         Watch for children. Drive slowly and cautiously through school zones, residential areas, or any other area where children could be walking or playing.
  • ·         Watch out for Community Safety Zone signs that indicate areas where there is a special risk to pedestrians.
  • ·         Be patient, especially with seniors or pedestrians with disabilities who need more time to cross the road.
  • ·         Drive carefully near bus stops when passengers are getting on and off the bus. Always be ready in case pedestrians make sudden or unexpected moves.


Safety tips for pedestrians

  • ·         Cross only at marked crosswalks or traffic lights. Don’t cross in the middle of the block or between parked cars.
  • ·         Make sure drivers see you before you cross. If the driver is stopped, make eye contact before you step into the road.
  • ·         Wear bright or light-coloured clothing or reflective strips, especially at dusk or when it’s dark.


When at a traffic light:

  • ·         Cross when traffic has come to a complete stop.
  • ·         Cross at the start of a green light.
  • ·         Don’t cross once the “Don’t Walk” signal starts to flash or the light turns yellow
  • ·         Never cross on a red light.
  • ·         Watch for traffic turning at intersections or turning into and leaving driveways or drive-throughs.


For parents or guardians

Show your children how to cross a road safely. Teach them to:

  • ·         Stay to the side of the road, walking as far away from traffic as they safely can
  • ·         Stop and look both ways at the edge of the sidewalk before they cross a road
  • ·         Take extra care on roadways that have no curbs
  • ·         Watch out for blind corners (for example, a car coming out of an alley may not see a child pedestrian about to cross).