Forgette  - 2

Deputy Mayor Sheldon Forgette was today’s guest on Council Capsule with Matthew Sookram.

Changes to bus routes have been a major topic lately and staff are now re-examining some of those changes. Forgette says those changes could cost the tax payers.

Staff is compiling a report which is due back on August 10th. Forgette says this will review which routes work and which ones should be changed.

Forgette says there is also some displeasure with the notice given to residents about those changes. The city’s transit service did hold a number of public consultations but Forgette says some people did not get all the info.

They also touched on the subject of bringing more doctors into the city. The North Bay Regional Health Centre and the City are in a joint partnership on this recruitment process. Forgette was asked outside of money what else the city can do to entice physicians to North Bay.

Forgette says the goal is to attract 20 new doctors in the next four years. There was debate amongst councillors on whether it should be the city or the provinces providing that funding. Forgette says he sees both sides to the argument.

Forgette says for the City to go the extra mile in attracting doctors, it is no different than the city attracting industries.

For the full recap listen here