Dream BigThe White Water Gallery has received 120 thousand dollars in funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The money announced last year is for 2 years so the local art gallery can put on a northern art conference called Dream Big which was held late this week. Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says it’s important to support the arts. He says arts are part of our culture and heritage and it’s incredibly important that they are funded.

Fedeli made the announcement at the Capitol Centre.

Fedeli says the conference is unifying arts organizations for this conference but also helping develop future partnerships.

Clayton Windatt is with the White Water Gallery which hosted this  conference..

He says the funds enabled them to attract people all over who are dedicated to promoting arts.

Windatt  says the success of this event will help them promote arts events in the future whether its sharing ideas or showing off their creative abilities to other arts organizations.