Hydro tree plant2A 10 year tree planting program is underway in North Bay.

Both North Bay Hydro and TD Canada Trust say they will contribute $10,000 each to the program which had its official launch Wednesday at a home on Jane Street.

The program means 100 trees per year will be planted at city residences and another 100 in public areas including parks. Chief Operating Officer of North Bay Hydro Todd Wilcox says the type of tree being planted will vary depending on how close the tree will be to power lines.

Wilcox says 500 seedlings will also be available to the general public for planting.

He says this is their way of increasing the tree canopy in North Bay as sometimes they remove trees because of the safety hazard to power lines that they may pose.

North Bay Hydro is also planting 100 trees in the Pinewood area because they couldn’t do it last year because of all the rain.

Vijanti Ramlogan Murphy is with Greening Nipissing.

She says trees perform a number of positive services including cooling down an area and  soaking up water.

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