The first full year of the new Trudeau government is coming to a close and MP Anthony Rota says there were plenty of highlights.

“For myself, being named Assistant Deputy Speaker, it was an honour that was bestowed on me by the House and the Speaker, “ he said.

Highlights for the riding include various FedNor, infrastructure or educational funding grants.

Rota says the money starts flowing in 2017 and will be creating jobs, which is a major focus for next year too.

“To get companies to start hiring again and getting small and medium companies hiring,” he added.

Meantime, one issue that’s dominated again locally this year is the Energy East pipeline proposal.

Rota says he’s been vocal in Ottawa.

“I cannot accept a pipeline going through the watershed for Trout Lake.  It’s just not something that I’m ready to take a risk with,” he said.

Another challenge is rebuilding various funding programs that Rota says have been hollowed out over the past 10 years.

When asked about any potential top up or changes to FedNor, Rota says there are 7 northern MP’s working on the file.

“We are working hard to get some changes to FedNor and we’re looking forward to the next budget,” he said.