World Space Week1
Officials announce World Space Week activities for North Bay in October.


North Bay has launched their line-up for World Space Week in early October.

Mayor Al McDonald and Canadore President George Burton are co-chairs of the YYB North Bay World Space Week Committee.

They announced local events will take place October 8th through the 10th and will include an Industry Day, an Education Day and a Space Day for the general public.

MP Jay Aspin also announced $50,000 in FedNor funding to promote and market World Space Week and it’s related activities. Aspin says World Space Week will bring North Bay national attention which could lead to future development.


Officials say the main focus of the local World Space Week activities will be to promote both the YYB North Bay assets and opportunities to key industry targets, local school children and to the public at large, there will be a dual purpose – the official launch of the on-line sales site for Swiss Space Systems S3 ZeroG (Zero Gravity) Experience, which will provide the public with their first opportunity to purchase a flight seat on this unique aircraft.

In a release, officials say October 8th, Industry Day, will feature presentations, keynote speakers, business-to-business sessions and tours for key targeted aerospace and space-related companies who may be visiting YYB North Bay for the first time.

s3 planeThey say these dates also coincide with the anticipated next phase of testing for Swiss Space Systems revolutionary SOAR shuttle concept vehicle – their goal is to develop, build, certify and operate suborbital shuttles for the deployment of small satellites of up to 250 kg by 2018.

Education Day will take place on October 9th and will promote space and aerospace themes to district school children through static displays, hands-on experiments and fun space-themed activities such as sun-gazing and geocaching events.

As part of World Space Week worldwide, Education Day will continue to build future aerospace capacity for regional industry by generating interest in the sciences and aerospace sector for area youth as they consider post-secondary/career options.

Canadore College President George Burton is Co-Chair of the event, and he says this is all possible because of the willingness to invest and pursue different ventures.

Burton says they will also be holding a science project competition across the country – and the winner will earn a free flight on the Zero Gravity S3 space flight.

Space Day on October 10th will provide an opportunity for the general public to get involved, culminating with a gala event at the Capitol Centre with former Canadian Space Agency Astronaut, Col. Chris Hadfield, who will deliver an inspirational message on stage based on his best-selling memoir “An Astronaut?s Guide to Life on Earth?.

In 2013, Hadfield became the first Canadian to command a spaceship as Commander of the International Space Station during the second portion of his five-month stay in space.

Meantime, Swiss Space Systems officials say they will be in North Bay even more this fall for more flight testing.

That’s S3 Representative Rolf Brandt who says they will announce the exact date for Zero G flights out of North Bay when they are here for World Space Week in October, as well as open up the web portal for ticket sales. 


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