Tiny Italy Concept Art

There will be an outdoor patio at a downtown restaurant in North Bay.

Filippo Suriano is the owner of the restaurant, and he brought forward a proposal to use the area in front of his restaurant as a patio.

Suriano is the owner of “Tiny Italy” on Main Street, and he says the patio would be on the sidewalk – adding about ten seats to his restaurant.

He says they are hoping to open in the next month or two.

Deputy Mayor Sheldon Forgette put forward a motion to get this passed.  He says this will add to the vibrancy of the downtown.

The restaurant would have to build a platform around the patio so pedestrians can continue walking on the sidewalk, without going onto the road. That would eliminate two parking spots in front of the restaurant up until September.

Written by matthew.sookram@northbayradio.rogers.com