MP Jay AspinFor the 4th straight year MP Jay Aspin has delivered a report card. He says he was elected on May 2nd and once that date passes every year he provides constituents with the information they need to assess the job he’s doing. Aspin says he has 4 priorities: funding for the riding, funding from FEDNOR, his voting record and the job his staff has done. On Funding Aspin says he’s brought 147 million dollars to the riding and close to 40 million from FEDNOR.

Aspin says he has a voting record of 97 per cent and only 11 MP’s did better and his staff has handled 20 thousand calls from constituents and recovered over a million dollars for constituents.
In terms of specifics he says he’s done his part in reopening the ski hill in Mattawa. Aspin says he’s gotten a lot of positive reviews on that.

Aspin says North Bay as an aerospace centre is also one of his priorities and a lot has already happened with the construction of the new composite centre at Canadore College, the partnership with Swiss Space Systems and more to come with announcements over the next few weeks.

Aspin says he’s also hosted 22 public forums in 4 years and 10 in the last year.