Wampum Belt

Did you know that there are 133 first nations in Ontario? If not, your child may learn sooner then you. The Anishinabek Nation’s We Are All Treaty Peoples teacher kit was unveiled today. This teacher’s aid kit is designed to teach students from grades 1 to 8 more about Ontario’s treaties. The kit includes a teacher’s guide written by Kelly Crawford, books, maps, DVD’s and an 800 Lego piece build of the Treaty of Fort Niagara Wampum belt created by 9 year old Alex Hebert.

Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee says the history in this kit is not stored in museums or footnotes in history books. Madahbee also says he believes this kit will help kids grow and understand more about the Aboriginal culture.

Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs David Zimmer was also on hand for the unveiling and he says the government is revising the elementary curriculum to make sure there is a piece on treaties and says the kit is a beautiful asset.

Zimmer is happy about the results so far, saying 5000 copies of the map in the kit were distributed around the province and they are now up to 10,000.

Zimmer says he was impressed with the kit and is excited to take it to the minister of education and Premier Kathleen Wynne.