OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe hazardous waste depot is open, as we’re well into spring cleaning.

Waste Management Coordinator Al Tomek says the hours are 8 am to 6 pm Wednesday to Saturday.

He says all kinds of items are accepted including oil, paint and expired pesticides and herbicides, household chemicals, electronics and they will accept sharps and syringes.

Tomek says the number of vehicles has leveled off at between 11,000 to 12,000 vehicles a year and in terms of volume they are between 220,000 to 230,000 litres of different hazardous waster per year.

He says they don’t accept brush and pharmacies will also accept sharps and syringes too, if you have them in an approved sharps container.

As well, Tomek says the organic drop off depot, which is only for leaf and yard waste, is now open too.