
A Cable Wake Park will not be built at North Bay’s Waterfront.

Council has denied the proposal, as there wouldn’t be enough room for boats to maneuver in and out of the Marina.

The proposal for the Park came to North Bay City Council a few weeks ago from a resident who said it would be a great tourist attraction. Chair of Community Services Mark Kingg was asked if there were any other areas this could potentially be built, within North Bay.

He says “I had asked if there were opportunities to do it outside the Marina, such as stringing one end from the brake wall and the other to the mainland.” King says the response was the wave action in that area might be too strong.

One Councillor brought up the potential of opportunities in Trout Lake, while King says Armstrong Beach may be too crowded in the summer.

He says that doesn’t mean they aren’t open to hearing people’s thoughts for attractions at the waterfront. King says it’s always been a peoples place, and there could be some announcements coming soon on developments or changes to the waterfront.

Written by matthew.sookram@northbayradio.rogers.com