Daryl Vaillaincourt - Council Capsule


Councillor Daryl Vaillancourt was Matthew Sookram’s guest on Council Capsule this morning (Tuesday).


Vaillancourt brought forward an amendment to the water meter rates at last night’s (Monday) Council meeting. He was hoping to get a 40-fixed-60-variable split cost for the water meters but his amendment was defeated.


However, due to a motion for reconsideration being called another vote will be held in two weeks. We had one listener post a question through Facebook, asking they couldn’t have a 100 percent variable cost.



Vaillancourt says they don’t have a specific reserves account for this, and they would have to find the money elsewhere.


Meantime, Vaillancourt spoke about some of the changes in North Bay Transit services.



Some of those changes surround more service to busier routes, and expanded hours as well.


The city’s biggest event of the summer was another one of the topics of discussion on this morning’s Council Capsule.


The Councillor talked about the sustainability of Summer in the Park. Recent comments were made by Festival Chair John Strang saying they need the support or they may not be able to continue the event in future years.



Vaillancourt says it hurts to not get funding from the province or the federal government, but it is tough with everyone asking those governments for funding.


Meantime, Council has awarded a contract to fix the John Street Bridge and Vaillancourt says he’s not the only one happy to see it going forward.



The project is expected to be finished in November.