

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry have fined a man from St. Mary’s Ontario, for discharging a firearm without due care, trespassing and failing to attach his seal to a deer.


The incidents happened on November 10th, 2014 in Restoule. The male saw a deer on private property and trespassed to shoot it. He fired in the direction of a family home and two large propane tanks. The case was heard in North Bay and the male was charged $4,000 in total.


A Sudbury man was charged $1500 by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry stemming from an incident last October. The male was hunting small game off Highway 805 when he did not unload his 12 gauge shotgun before getting into a vehicle.


The shotgun discharged and shot through his own big toe, requiring the toe to be amputated. The case was heard in Sturgeon Falls and the male is prohibited from hunting in the province for five years, and must complete the Ontario Hunter Education Course before hunting again.


Careless Hunting has resulted in a $750 fine for an Elmwood man. On November 7th of 2014, the man was hunting deer on in the Restoule area when he shot at a deer with a high powered rifle.


The shot came across a road and toward residences, which endangered oncoming traffic and residents. He later returned, using his ATV to retrieve the deer. The male is prohibited from hunting again for five years and must complete an education course before hunting again.The case was heard in North Bay.